Our approach

Our strength is our thorough knowledge and experience in sealing technology. Together with your engineers we discuss applications, designs and concepts. We determine a framework of requirements and consult potential solutions. And we offer our support in the development and design of new sealing components.

  • Temperature – max. and working temperature of your application

  • Pressure – the pressure, pressure fluctuation and frequency

  • Media – the media the sealing element will be confronted with

With the information gathered, a thorough sheet of requirements is set up. Material selections are made and production methods are choosen.


Under certain circumstances, it is helpful to know if the designed sealing component will act in the application in accordance with the expectations. Especially in dynamic applications where pressure changes load and unload the sealing component, it is important to investigate the various pressure levels.

Our engineers can help with 3D animated FEA (Finite Element Analysis). With help of our computer program, the dynamic load on sealing elements can be simulated, enabling the technical assessment of the constructed element.

Sample testing

Using the findings in the requirement sheet and the potential FEA analysis, first samples can be manufactured. Depending on the design of the sealing component, certain production methods are available. For custom moulded shapes, SealTec Products offers 3D printed rubber-like TPE products and single cavity moulded rubber parts. Gaskets can be water- or knife-edge cutted.

Serial supply

After thorough testing of the samples, fine tuning the design of the part, a serial production run is started.

For custom moulded parts, specific tooling is manufactured. To ensure the quality of the mould and its cavities, an initial production run is set up to produce several samples. The dimensions of these samples are checked and documented in an ISIR (Initial Sample Inspection Report) document. The samples and their documentation are presented to you and your quality department.

After your approval, the first serial parts are produced, either for your production or to be put in stock.

Engineering the Future

We are Sealing Technology Experts committed to provide you with long lasting sealing solutions.

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